Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wk 8 Discussion, Question 1

After looking at all of the research methods presented in table 13.3 the one method that seemed most interesting to me is the ethnography method. Ethnography is when a researcher observes behavior in it's natural setting. They do this to describe the communication practices of a group of people. I think that ethnography is very interesting. I think that it would be fun to go and observe a group of people that I don't know anything about and try to figure out how they do things.

If I were to study some aspect of deception and I had to come up with a research question my question would be How often do people feel a sense of deception from someone they love? I always hear stories on the radio of people who have been deceived by someone that they love. I want to know if it happens as often as these people make it sound. I think the type of research method that I would choose to answer this question would be survey research. Survey research is a very good method to reach out to a lot of people at one time. It could help with finding out the answer to my question.


  1. I also chose ethnography. I thought that it would be the most interesting to research because it is taking place in a natural setting. It would be fun to just go and observe people to try and figure out how they do things. People behave completely differently when they know they are being observed so this is a great way to get authentic research.
    It is interesting that you chose to focus on the "victim" for your research question. I find that interesting because that didn't even cross my mind. I was too focused on the person doing the deception. It would be interesting to find out how often people feel deceived by someone they love.
    Good insights.

  2. Your research question is very original. While most people mentioned wanting to know about deception for the deceivers point of view, you write about wanting to have a better understanding about the people who believe someone is trying to deceive them. I think this is especially interesting because I often have suspicions about people not being completely truthful with me, but the lengths I would have to go to find out would make me fell like a crazy person! It would also be interesting to do another study, focusing on both the “deceiver” and the “deceived to find out how often this suspicious feeling is actually accurate.
